Best Cosmetic Dentistry in Reno, NV

Cosmetic dentistry helps correct aesthetic dental problems like tooth discoloration, chipped teeth, broken teeth, and tooth gaps. These cosmetic treatments improve the look of your teeth so you can smile with confidence.

Cosmetic dental treatment is not just about aesthetics. It also plays an important role in keeping your gums and teeth as healthy as possible.  Cosmetic dentistry can help fix misaligned, or missing teeth, and help fix an unbalanced bite.

Personalized Cosmetic Dentistry Designed For You

Every smile is different, so the benefits of cosmetic dentistry will vary for each patient. Is there something that you’d like to fix about your smile? Are you hoping to straighten slightly crooked teeth? Would you like to repair a chipped tooth? Have you been considering a complete smile makeover?

Our Reno dental office a wide range of cosmetic dental services. Some of these options include:

Ready to learn more about what cosmetic dentistry can do to help restore confidence in your smile? Call our Reno dentist office today for a consult.

Quality Dental Crowns in Reno, NV

Crowns are full coverage restorations that are used to cover a tooth that is likely to break, or is too broken down to be restored with a filling. They are most commonly done after root canal treatment, or when a large filling wears out. The larger the hole made by a cavity that has to be treated, the more likely a crown will be needed. Even after a filling is put in a large cavity, a tooth is more likely to break.

Even though the jaw muscles are the strongest in the human body, teeth are subjected to tremendous stress and pressures. Crowns cover the weakened tooth, providing strength and protecting the tooth against breakage. A broken or cracked tooth is a far more serious matter and much more difficult to treat. Crowns prevent this, as well as making for a nice smile.

What To Expect When Getting A Dental Crown

Typically, it takes two appointments to restore a tooth with a crown.

  • First Visit: During the initial visit, any decay is removed from the tooth and it is shaped to accept the crown. Then an impression is made of the tooth for use in fabricating a crown.
  • Between the two visits the crown is made, usually of high-strength porcelain over gold alloy, all ceramic material, or gold. During this time a temporary crown is worn.
  • Second Visit: At the second visit, the temporary crown is removed. Then the permanent crown is adjusted as needed and then cemented in place.

Do you have questions about crowns? Feel free to give our Reno dental office a call, and we’d be happy to answer any questions or schedule a consult.

Bonding involves adhering composite resin material that is matched to the color of the tooth, to the front of the tooth. This is done to repair damage done to the tooth by decay, to alter the alignment of the tooth, close gaps between the teeth, or for cosmetic purposes. First the surface of the tooth is roughened in order to accept the bonding and hold it. A gel is applied to micro etch the tooth surface, and a primer/bond agent is applied so the material adheres to the surface. Then the material itself is placed on the tooth and hardened with intense light. The composite resin material is shaped and polished to get a lustrous finish as a last step.

This is an option for filling the space created by a missing tooth. It is formed to look like the missing tooth, and it takes its place in the mouth. The sides of a bridge use the two surrounding teeth for support, hence the name. A bridge replaces the missing tooth, both functionally and cosmetically. Bridge work is as much an art as it is an exact science. The materials used may be gold alloys, porcelain bonded to metal alloy, or all ceramic material. The choice of material depends on requirements for strength, wear, and/or esthetics.

It is important that a missing tooth be replaced as soon as possible for several reasons. If not treated the teeth surrounding the gap begin to shift inward, creating a whole chain reaction of bad things. Teeth use their neighbors for support, and, with one missing, they start to “fall.” As this worsens the bite changes in response to the pressure. This can eventually result in problems with the entire jaw, such as TMJ. The surrounding teeth deteriorate and it is just a matter of time before them, too, are lost. Gum disease becomes a serious problem, with the difficulty of treatment increasing as the neglect continues.

There are different types of dentures, but they share their common function. They replace teeth that have become loose or been lost due to bone loss. When bone loss around the roots of teeth is great enough to loosen them or let them fall out, it’s time for dentures. Relax. No one enjoys losing their natural teeth, but you can still eat and talk regularly.

The entire mouth is examined and a determination is made as to which teeth will have to be removed, and which will remain. The loose teeth are then extracted. Dentures are fitted to go over or around whatever teeth remain in the mouth, depending on the type. There is an adjustment period after dentures are placed in the mouth, and it can take some getting used to. But once accustomed to the dentures, all the normal functionality and appearance return and one just carries on as usual. Often implants can used to further stabilize the dentures

A filling is a way to restore a tooth damaged by decay back to its normal function and shape. If you have a tooth that requires a filling, the dentist will first remove the decayed tooth material, clean the affected area, and then fill the cleaned out cavity with a filling material. A filling also helps prevent further decay by closing off any cracks or spaces where bacteria can enter. We offer tooth colored composite filling material that contains no mercury or BPA.

If decay or a fracture has damaged a large portion of the tooth, a crown, or cap, may be recommended. Decay that has reached the nerve may be treated through root canal therapy or through a procedure called pulp capping.

Quality Dental Implants in Reno, NV

What Is A Dental Implant?

A dental implant is an option to replace a missing tooth. Dental implants are the closest thing you can get your natural, healthy teeth. Implants allow you to return to your normal routine of eating, smiling, laughing, and enjoying all of your everyday activities without being worried about your teeth.

Modern dental implants have been used successfully for more than 30 years, and are the strongest dental devices available to support replacement teeth.

What To Expect During A Dental Implant Procedure

Initially, you’ll have a consult at our office, in which the dentist will describe and walk you through the treatment process. A visual examine where a dental implant is being considered will be performed, and a set of Xrays will be taken. At this time, the quality of the jawbone is assessed to determine if more bone is needed to properly support the implant. 

The first stage often involves a extracting an existing damaged tooth (broken or chipped). In order to prepare for placement of the dental implant, this tooth will need to be extracted.

Bone grafting is typically done to create a solid base of bone for the new dental implant. After the extraction and grafting, the surgery site will need to heal, which takes anywhere from two to six months. A site that has no tooth to extract, and bone loss is present, it will require a different bone graft that is placed on top of existing jawbone (onlay bone graft). This procedure is more involved and usually requires about six or more months of healing. 

Once  the surgical site has adequately healed and enough strong bone is present, the site is ready for the new implant. At your implant placement appointment, the dental implant is placed into the bone. A “healing cap” is placed over the implant, the gum is stitched up, and the healing phase begins.

Healing Time After A Dental Implant

Healing time depends greatly on the quality of bone present, but generally lasts anywhere from two to six months. This is an important step in the implant process, as the new implant becomes integrated with the bone.  You will have aa follow-up appointment to examine the surgical site, ensure no infection is present, and the implant is healing/integrating properly. 

After the required healing period, the dental implant will be tested to confirm whether it was successfully integrated with the surrounding bone. Once this has been confirmed, an “abutment is connected to the dental implant. This abutment will serve to hold the replacement tooth or “crown.” Then, we’ll take a mold of this abutment while in the mouth and have the new implant crown custom-made to fit you. 

Schedule An Implant Consult

Are you considering a dental implant? Have some questions about the process? Contact our Reno dentist office today to schedule a consult.

Nitrous Oxide isn’t really a service in itself, it’s used to make other treatment more comfortable. This is the famous dental anesthetic commonly known as laughing gas. It’s safe, has proven effective over a long period of time, and is pleasant. You will be given a mask that allows you to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. In about 30 seconds to 4 minutes you will notice a more sedate feeling, and your cheek and gums may go numb. After this any needed local anesthetic is applied and treatment begins. Afterwards, you will be given pure oxygen to breathe for about five minutes to dissipate the effects of the nitrous and return you to a normal state.

The gums, ligaments, and bone around the teeth form the foundation for ones teeth. All structures are also referred to as the periodontium. When the periodontium is not healthy, it jeopardizes the teeth just as a bad foundation would threaten the stability of a house. Signs of unhealthy periodontium (gum disease) may be as follows: gums that are red and bleed easily, persistent bad breath, gums that are pulled away from the tooth, loose teeth, and changes in the position or bite of the teeth. Any of these signs may mean something is wrong. With the proper care, however, it may be possible to return them to a healthy state. This is where appropriate gum treatments come in. If you’re having a problem, come in and see us so we can take care of it right away. The treatment usually involves a deep cleaning or root planing done under a local anesthetic, along with local antibiotic agents. If the gum disease gets too severe it may need to be treated through surgery or extraction. This is why it is important to get it treated at the first sign of a problem.

Invisalign in Reno, NV

Orthodontic work is not only a cosmetic procedure to straighten teeth, but also a treatment that brings teeth, lips, and jaws into proper alignment. Straight teeth not only look more aesthetically pleasing, but also function better and are easier to clean, meaning better overall dental health. At Caughlin Crossing Dentistry in Reno, we also combine orthodontics with restorative treatment to give our patients the best results possible. We offer both traditional bracket orthodontics and Invisalign call to schedule a consultation today.

Invisalign - Clear Braces

How Does Invisalign Work?

Invisalign treatment is the process of wearing a series of clear, removable aligners that gradually straighten your teeth. No brackets and wires, and none of the restrictions that come with metal braces.

Invisalign clear aligners are FDA-approved and contain no BPA, BPS, latex, or gluten. They are thin, clear, and fit snugly over your teeth, making them virtually invisible.

Our doctors will create a unique, digital treatment plan that maps out the exact movements of your teeth. Your Invisalign clear aligners are then designed to apply the right amount of force to the right place at the right time based on your plan. Your doctor will be with you every step of the way to monitor your progress and ensure your aligners fit correctly.

Invisalign Consult

Ready to learn more about Invisalign treatment in our Reno, NV dental office? Call us today to schedule a consult!